Tag: restful
Create a GraphQL-Powered API with PHP and NoSQL
If you’ve been keeping up, you’ll know that I’ve been writing a sort-of mega series around developing with GraphQL and Couchbase. In past tutorials we’ve explored how to use GraphQL with Java, how to use GraphQL with Node.js, and how...
Going Full Stack with Node.js, Vue.js, and Couchbase NoSQL
If you’ve been keeping up, I’m a huge advocate for Node.js development and the JavaScript development stack. Previously I had written about the Couchbase, Express, AngularJS, and Node.js (CEAN) stack and modernized the backend API with Hapi.js, a popular alternative...
Create a RESTful API with Node.js, Hapi, and Couchbase NoSQL
Developing Node.js applications with Express is no doubt a very popular option, however it isn’t the only option and it may not even be the best option. I recently started looking into Hapi which defines itself as being a framework...
Music City Code Workshop on Full Stack JavaScript Development Available
This past week I was in Nashville, Tennessee attending the Music City Code conference. It was a very interesting conference and my first experience in Nashville as I’m a California native. At Music City Code I gave a workshop titled, Full...
Migrate From MongoDB to Couchbase with N1QL
Customers often tell us they’re preparing to migrate from MongoDB to Couchbase. They come, in part, because they’re tired of the problems they’ve experienced learning how to query MongoDB. Couchbase with N1QL provides a better alternative, especially for scaling up...
Migrate from MongoDB Mongoose to Couchbase with Ottoman
When talking to Node.js developers, it is common to hear about NoSQL as the database of choice for development. JavaScript and JSON come hand in hand because after all JSON stands for JavaScript Object Notation. This is a format most...
Video Tutorial for Creating a URL Shortener with Node.js and N1QL
Not too long ago I wrote a lengthy tutorial on how to use Node.js and Couchbase to create a URL shortener. This tutorial used N1QL for querying the data. To compliment that writeup I’ve gone ahead and created a video...
Using Couchbase Server and Couchbase Mobile in the Same Project with Node.js
Building web applications and mobile applications that share the same data is often thought of as a challenging task. How do you design your web application to fit with your mobile application and visa-versa? What happens when you want to...
Provisioning a Couchbase Server Instance with the Command Line
When you’re a Database or System Administrator, you don’t always have time to go through the setup wizards when deploying a new piece of software. Probably because you are managing massive amounts of systems in a large organization. So what...
Developing an API with Golang using Couchbase NoSQL and N1QL
Have you ever wanted to create a RESTful API with Golang, but didn’t know where to start? What do you do about URL routing, data modeling, or even the data layer in general? In this start to finish video tutorial,...
Developing an API with Node.js using Couchbase NoSQL and N1QL
Have you ever wanted to create a RESTful API with Node.js, but wasn’t sure where to start? How do you design your endpoints or interact with the data layer? How do you store your data? In this, start to finish,...