Category: Application Design

Building autoComplete or typeAhead functionality using Full Text Search

Building autoComplete or typeAhead functionality using Full Text Search

  What is autoComplete? Autocomplete as the wikipedia says “Autocomplete, or word completion, is a feature in which an application predicts the rest of a word a user is typing” It is also known as  Suggestions or Type Ahead or...

N1QL User Defined Functions

N1QL User Defined Functions

Introduction Couchbase Server 6.5 introduced User Defined Functions as a Developer Preview feature. N1QL is primarily a declarative language – where you ask what to get, and the language works out for you the actual method. While declarative languages have...

Building Customer-Obsessed Database Applications

Building Customer-Obsessed Database Applications

Customer obsession is a powerful concept for any company. Whether your customers are internal or external users of your platform – every experience should be timely and meaningful. Customer 360 NoSQL database development is a powerful approach to delivering these...

Cost Based Optimization with Couchbase JSON database

Cost Based Optimization with Couchbase JSON database

Couchbase Query Cost Based Optimization (CBO) was released as a Developer Preview in Couchbase 6.5, and it is now ready for GA with Couchbase v7.0. While CBO is a ubiquitous feature with traditional RDBMS, and that users have come to...

How To Migrate to Scopes and Collections in Couchbase 7.0

How To Migrate to Scopes and Collections in Couchbase 7.0

Scopes and Collections are a new feature introduced in Couchbase 7 that allow you to logically organize data within Couchbase.  You should take advantage of scopes and collections for simpler mapping from RDBMS as well as consolidation of hundreds of...

Scopes and Collections for Modern Multi-Tenant Applications: Couchbase 7.0

Scopes and Collections for Modern Multi-Tenant Applications: Couchbase 7.0

Couchbase 7.0 introduces Scopes and Collections to easily build and deploy microservice based multi-tenant applications. Scopes and Collections allow logical isolation of different types of data, independent lifecycle management and security control at multiple levels of granularity. Application developers will...

Couchbase Transactions with N1QL

Couchbase Transactions with N1QL

Couchbase introduced ACID transactions in its v6.5 release with the Couchbase SDKs, and this has now been extended to Couchbase N1QL Query in the upcoming release 7. A quick recap –  Couchbase provides support for multi-document ACID transactions for its...

N1QL Turns Five

N1QL Turns Five

As any parent of a five year old can attest, time flies when you’re having fun. Where did all the time go? That’s kind of how we feel with N1QL, the SQL for JSON query language. Today, thousands of developers,...

Arrays in JSON: Modeling, Querying and Indexing Performance

Arrays in JSON: Modeling, Querying and Indexing Performance

Array is THE difference between the relational model and the JSON model.   — Gerald Sangudi Abstract JSON array gives you flexibility in the type of elements,  number of elements, size of the elements, and the depth of the elements.  This...



Over time, the database industry has realized full-text search and SQL are two sides of the same coin.  Text search needs further query processing, query processing needs text search to efficiently filter for text patterns.   The SQL databases have added...

Example Architectures for Data Intensive Applications.

Example Architectures for Data Intensive Applications.

…a drawing should have no unnecessary lines and a machine no unnecessary parts.  —William Strunk Jr., Elements of Style In the book Designing Data-Intensive Applications: The Big Ideas Behind Reliable, Scalable, and Maintainable Systems, Martin Kleppmann has written about traits...

Implement FHIR REST server with Couchbase

Implement FHIR REST server with Couchbase

This is a follow up to my previous post that covered the topic of FHIR Data Model with Couchbase N1QL. In this blog, I will discuss the topic of how to implement the FHIR Search REST API Server over the...