James Oquendo | Couchbase Blog


All posts by James Oquendo

Couchbase team member

Machine Learning Predictions in Mobile Apps with Couchbase Lite Predictive Query

Machine Learning Predictions in Mobile Apps with Couchbase Lite Predictive Query

Couchbase Lite’s Predictive Query API allows applications to leverage pre-trained, Machine Learning(ML) models to run predictive queries against data in embedded Couchbase Lite database in a convenient, fast and always-available way. These predictions can be combined with predictions made against...

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Partner Blog: Couchbase 4.5 – Native BI Support

Partner Blog: Couchbase 4.5 – Native BI Support

Earlier this week, Couchbase launched the latest version of its flagship NoSQL database, 4.5, with powerful additions to N1QL, faster queries and indexing, role based security and a range of other features. At Cloud9 Charts, we are pleased to add...



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Building autoComplete or typeAhead functionality using Full Text Search

Building autoComplete or typeAhead functionality using Full Text Search

  What is autoComplete? Autocomplete as the wikipedia says “Autocomplete, or word completion, is a feature in which an application predicts the rest of a word a user is typing” It is also known as  Suggestions or Type Ahead or...

A SQL++ Implementation

A SQL++ Implementation

Summary With the proliferation of JSON databases in recent years, a new query language SQL++ has begun to emerge that could standardize on how to access these data sources.  In fact the language has been around for a number of...

Deploying the Couchbase Operator on Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE)

Deploying the Couchbase Operator on Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE)

Couchbase is one of the premier NoSQL databases and that has been summed up well in this paragraph from the couchbase website: “The Couchbase Data Platform delivers unparalleled performance at scale, while also providing the unmatched agility and manageability that...

Using Docker to develop with Couchbase Mobile

Using Docker to develop with Couchbase Mobile

Container technologies such as Docker have vastly simplified the software development, test and deployment process by allowing you to package applications along with their complete runtime environment that abstract away differences in infrastructure and OSes. This post is a primer...

Get set to the edge with Sync Gateway Test Edit

Get set to the edge with Sync Gateway Test Edit

Introduction Imagine you are going to meet an important client in downtown San Francisco, CA and you have an email with details on who to call to when you get to the office lobby. You are in the lobby but...

Streamline Couchbase Analytics with User-Defined Functions (UDF’s)

Streamline Couchbase Analytics with User-Defined Functions (UDF’s)

Introduction One of our exciting new features in Couchbase Server 7.0 Beta is support for User-Defined Functions (UDFs) in the Analytics Service. UDFs are reusable and parameterizable N1QL queries that can be used to modularize queries and increase code reuse....

Couchbase Autonomous Operator 2.1 for Kubernetes is Now GA

Couchbase Autonomous Operator 2.1 for Kubernetes is Now GA

At Couchbase’s global developer conference, ‘Connect.Online 2020’ held in October, we shared the essence of new features or capabilities of the upcoming Couchbase Autonomous Operator release version 2.1 through several sessions. Since then, many of you have been waiting to...

NoSQL Is Dead, Long Live NoSQL

NoSQL Is Dead, Long Live NoSQL

Dynamo accelerated the NoSQL revolution that’s driving the database industry. Recently, Amazon announced PartiQL – A SQL-Compatible Query Language for their flagship NoSQL database Amazon DynamoDB. This has brought the NoSQL “re:evolution” full circle. It’s wonderful to see the collaborative research from UCSD and...