Tag: nosql

Partner Blog: Couchbase 4.5 – Native BI Support

Partner Blog: Couchbase 4.5 – Native BI Support

Earlier this week, Couchbase launched the latest version of its flagship NoSQL database, 4.5, with powerful additions to N1QL, faster queries and indexing, role based security and a range of other features. At Cloud9 Charts, we are pleased to add...

james.oquendo June 27, 2023
NoSQL Is Dead, Long Live NoSQL

NoSQL Is Dead, Long Live NoSQL

Dynamo accelerated the NoSQL revolution that’s driving the database industry. Recently, Amazon announced PartiQL – A SQL-Compatible Query Language for their flagship NoSQL database Amazon DynamoDB. This has brought the NoSQL “re:evolution” full circle. It’s wonderful to see the collaborative research from UCSD and...

james.oquendo December 16, 2020
Indexing Service Optimizations with Couchbase Collections

Indexing Service Optimizations with Couchbase Collections

Couchbase Collections introduces the separation of the bucket data into logical scopes and collections, on top of the Couchbase JSON database. The separation allows the data to be separated out to different schema and tables, a concept that most RDBMS...

james.oquendo December 9, 2020
Halloween Problem: Solution in N1QL.

Halloween Problem: Solution in N1QL.

Learning SQL is easy; Implementing SQL, not so much. Halloween has come and gone. But, the tricks of the Halloween problem is here to stay! This has to be solved by databases every day.  SQL made the relational database easy,...

james.oquendo November 3, 2020
Welcome to Couchbase Academy: November Update

Welcome to Couchbase Academy: November Update

Introducing Couchbase Academy Just a few weeks ago at our Connect Online event, we announced a new program for Couchbase Training that includes a name change and a new certification program. The official name of our training program is “Couchbase...

james.oquendo November 2, 2020
The Synergy of Blockchain and NoSQL Databases

The Synergy of Blockchain and NoSQL Databases

Both NoSQL databases and modern Blockchain ledgers benefit from a set of common principles. When they are both implemented for an application a lot can be accomplished as the platforms can complement each other. What is Blockchain? Blockchain is a...

james.oquendo October 22, 2020
N1QL Transactions : An Elastic and Scalable Distributed Transactions

N1QL Transactions : An Elastic and Scalable Distributed Transactions

SQL is the only 22nd-century language available for developers today. ABSTRACT In relational database systems, SQL is more than a declarative query language. It includes procedural language (T-SQL, PL/SQL, etc) and defines transactions and its semantics.  SQL as a query...

james.oquendo October 14, 2020
N1QL Turns Five

N1QL Turns Five

As any parent of a five year old can attest, time flies when you’re having fun. Where did all the time go? That’s kind of how we feel with N1QL, the SQL for JSON query language. Today, thousands of developers,...

james.oquendo October 6, 2020
Arrays in JSON: Modeling, Querying and Indexing Performance

Arrays in JSON: Modeling, Querying and Indexing Performance

Array is THE difference between the relational model and the JSON model.   — Gerald Sangudi Abstract JSON array gives you flexibility in the type of elements,  number of elements, size of the elements, and the depth of the elements.  This...

james.oquendo August 4, 2020
Comparing MQL features in MongoDB 4.4 with N1QL features in Couchbase 6.5

Comparing MQL features in MongoDB 4.4 with N1QL features in Couchbase 6.5

This is a short note reviewing the MongoDB MQL language features highlighted in the release blog: MongoDB 4.4: User-Driven Engineering. Ready for You.  MongoDB 4.4 release has added a number of features for the MQL language. Couchbase released 6.5 earlier...

james.oquendo July 31, 2020
Example Architectures for Data Intensive Applications.

Example Architectures for Data Intensive Applications.

…a drawing should have no unnecessary lines and a machine no unnecessary parts.  —William Strunk Jr., Elements of Style In the book Designing Data-Intensive Applications: The Big Ideas Behind Reliable, Scalable, and Maintainable Systems, Martin Kleppmann has written about traits...

james.oquendo June 14, 2020
Couchbase Data Platform Partner Training

Couchbase Data Platform Partner Training

Thanks to Binh Le, Jon Strabala & Keshav Murthy for contributing to this post. Introduction Couchbase provides a wide variety of self paced online courses as well as in-person (or virtual) training through both Couchbase’s training portal. Advent of open...

james.oquendo May 19, 2020