Category: N1QL / Query

Geospatial Search, How Do I Use Thee? Let Me Count the Ways.

Geospatial Search, How Do I Use Thee? Let Me Count the Ways.

Introduction Couchbase Full Text Search (FTS) is a great tool for indexing and querying geospatial data.  In this article, I’ll present a geospatial search use case and demonstrate the various ways that we can perform a search of location data...

james.oquendo October 30, 2020
N1QL Transactions : An Elastic and Scalable Distributed Transactions

N1QL Transactions : An Elastic and Scalable Distributed Transactions

SQL is the only 22nd-century language available for developers today. ABSTRACT In relational database systems, SQL is more than a declarative query language. It includes procedural language (T-SQL, PL/SQL, etc) and defines transactions and its semantics.  SQL as a query...

james.oquendo October 14, 2020
N1QL Turns Five

N1QL Turns Five

As any parent of a five year old can attest, time flies when you’re having fun. Where did all the time go? That’s kind of how we feel with N1QL, the SQL for JSON query language. Today, thousands of developers,...

james.oquendo October 6, 2020
Authentication Using Server-Side X.509 Certificates With N1QL

Authentication Using Server-Side X.509 Certificates With N1QL

Authentication and authorization to the query service in couchbase works in multiple ways –  Passing credentials through a rest request – curl https://localhost:8093/query/service?pretty=true -d “statement=select * from system:keyspaces” -u Admin:pwd Passing credentials using the creds named parameter and/or query parameter...

james.oquendo September 10, 2020
Health Checking a Couchbase Cluster

Health Checking a Couchbase Cluster

Most databases are configured and sized correctly based on the information available at the time of their initial launch, but they tend to become unhealthy or undersized due to organic growth of their datasets and/or changes in their workload profiles....

james.oquendo September 8, 2020
Arrays in JSON: Modeling, Querying and Indexing Performance

Arrays in JSON: Modeling, Querying and Indexing Performance

Array is THE difference between the relational model and the JSON model.   — Gerald Sangudi Abstract JSON array gives you flexibility in the type of elements,  number of elements, size of the elements, and the depth of the elements.  This...

james.oquendo August 4, 2020
Comparing MQL features in MongoDB 4.4 with N1QL features in Couchbase 6.5

Comparing MQL features in MongoDB 4.4 with N1QL features in Couchbase 6.5

This is a short note reviewing the MongoDB MQL language features highlighted in the release blog: MongoDB 4.4: User-Driven Engineering. Ready for You.  MongoDB 4.4 release has added a number of features for the MQL language. Couchbase released 6.5 earlier...

james.oquendo July 31, 2020


Over time, the database industry has realized full-text search and SQL are two sides of the same coin.  Text search needs further query processing, query processing needs text search to efficiently filter for text patterns.   The SQL databases have added...

james.oquendo July 7, 2020
Fully Configured Couchbase on Red Hat OpenShift Under Five Minutes

Fully Configured Couchbase on Red Hat OpenShift Under Five Minutes

I recently did a presentation at Red Hat Users Group – North Texas on Couchbase NoSQL Operator on OpenShift. Thank you to the Red Hat Dallas team for extending the invitation for a joint session – Sam Nicholls, John Gammon, and Nick Wallace.  In the...

james.oquendo June 26, 2020
Implement FHIR REST server with Couchbase

Implement FHIR REST server with Couchbase

This is a follow up to my previous post that covered the topic of FHIR Data Model with Couchbase N1QL. In this blog, I will discuss the topic of how to implement the FHIR Search REST API Server over the...

james.oquendo June 8, 2020
Implementing a robust portable cron like scheduler via Couchbase Eventing (Part 1)

Implementing a robust portable cron like scheduler via Couchbase Eventing (Part 1)

This is the first of a multi-part series to leverage the Couchbase Eventing Service to run multiple scheduled tasks at specific recurring intervals in a cron like fashion completely inside the database without requiring additional infrastructure via a single general-purpose...

james.oquendo May 22, 2020
Couchbase Data Platform Partner Training

Couchbase Data Platform Partner Training

Thanks to Binh Le, Jon Strabala & Keshav Murthy for contributing to this post. Introduction Couchbase provides a wide variety of self paced online courses as well as in-person (or virtual) training through both Couchbase’s training portal. Advent of open...

james.oquendo May 19, 2020