Category: Monitoring

Monitoring and Visualization of  Couchbase Sync Gateway with Prometheus and Grafana

Monitoring and Visualization of Couchbase Sync Gateway with Prometheus and Grafana

In order to improve the accessibility of our stats, the Sync Gateway 2.8 release integrates the  Prometheus exporter functionality directly into Sync Gateway, reducing the steps required to setup a monitoring stack. In this post, we will discuss the background...

james.oquendo October 21, 2020
Helm: Deploying Couchbase Autonomous Operator 2.0 with Monitoring

Helm: Deploying Couchbase Autonomous Operator 2.0 with Monitoring

One Chart to Rule Them All With the release of Couchbase Autonomous Operator 2.0, the Couchbase Operator and Cluster charts have been consolidated into a single chart.  This streamlined approach means it’s now possible to install Autonomous Operator, Admission Controller,...

james.oquendo May 20, 2020
Monitoring a NoSQL Database with Couchbase and Prometheus

Monitoring a NoSQL Database with Couchbase and Prometheus

Couchbase Server currently has a plethora of stats from data access throughput in KV and query to system resources like disk IO and CPU to newer services like eventing. There have been a number of community authored Prometheus Exporters written...

james.oquendo April 30, 2020
Monitoring Couchbase Sync Gateway Kubernetes Cluster using Prometheus

Monitoring Couchbase Sync Gateway Kubernetes Cluster using Prometheus

The Couchbase Mobile 2.5 release introduced extensive stats reporting capabilities on the Sync Gateway.The stats provide key insights into the health of your Couchbase Mobile deployment and constitues an integral part of any deployment. This post is a step-by-step guide...

james.oquendo July 11, 2019
Getting started with the Couchbase Autonomous Operator on IBM Cloud Kubernetes Service

Getting started with the Couchbase Autonomous Operator on IBM Cloud Kubernetes Service

What is the IBM Cloud Kubernetes Service? IBM Cloud Kubernetes Service provides a native Kubernetes experience that is secure and easy to use. As a certified K8S provider, IBM Cloud Kubernetes Service provides intelligent scheduling, self-healing, horizontal scaling, service discovery...

james.oquendo March 9, 2019