Tag: SDK
API vs. SDK: Breaking Down the Differences (Plus Examples)
This blog post will discuss what APIs and SDKs are, the differences between them, how developers use them, and situations in which you would benefit from choosing one over the other. What is an API? The traditional definition of an...
Data Structures & Queries with Couchbase N1QL (SQL for JSON)
In the Data Structures for NoSQL Applications post, we used simplified JSON data access through native collections, maps, and more. This post demonstrates querying that data using higher-level N1QL queries, the SQL-based language for JSON. Developers can focus on managing...
Data Structures & Algorithms For NoSQL Applications
This article introduces Data Structures and how they work with Couchbase Server 7.0 Scopes and Collections features. What are data structures? Couchbase Data Structures is an API feature that aligns the language of the database interface with a programming language....
Migrating Data from MongoDB to Couchbase, Part 2
Prolog The previous article provided details on how to migrate a MongoDB data set to Couchbase Server. This article shows you how to use the Couchbase SDK to access the data via a Java console application. Code snippets show how...
Tutorial: Couchbase Autonomous Operator On Minikube
This hands-on tutorial blog primarily covers details around setting up Couchbase Kubernetes Operator on a laptop/desktop running minikube. It features setting up custom TLS certs and persistent volumes. Along with checking how to scale up and down the cluster. Also...
The Sprouts of “SDK 3”
Software is alive. By that, I am not referring to the part where it can occasionally vex you in how it gets into a certain state. That is probably explainable by a bug somewhere. By alive I am referring to...
Introducing Couchbase Go SDK 2.0 Alpha
I’m pleased to announce the Couchbase Go SDK 2.0 Alpha. This new SDK brings in a series of changes across all of the Couchbase SDKs that the team has been putting together. The new SDKs bring a completely new API...
Introducing the Couchbase .NET SDK 3.0 “Alpha” Releases
What’s in an SDK? Couchbase Server offers multiple services for storing, retrieving, querying and analyzing your data. Each service exposes a public API either as REST API or via lower level, extended, Memcached binary protocol. With the proper Authentication and...
A Couchbase Analytics Example using the Go SDK
This post illustrates the use of Couchbase Analytics with the Couchbase Go SDK. Couchbase Analytics is a new service available in Couchbase Server 6.0, you can read more at https://docs.couchbase.com/server/6.0/analytics/introduction.html. In this post we’re going to use a real world...
Couchbase Go SDK 1.4.0 Released!
We’ve recently pushed out another minor release of the Couchbase Go SDK: 1.4.0. This is a new minor version and most notably includes support for Response Time Observability and Transparent Compression. What’s in this release? We’ve added support for Transparent...
Couchbase .NET SDK 2.0.2 released Today!
Today we are releasing another bug fix and maintenance release of the Couchbase .NET SDK: 2.0.2. This is a follow up release to 2.0 and 2.0.1 and most notably provides support for N1QL DP4 which is now merged with the...
Using Jil for custom JSON Serialization in the Couchbase .NET SDK
One of the new features introduced in 2.1.0 of the Couchbase .NET SDK was support for overriding the default serializer with your own custom serializer by extending the ITypeSerializer interface and providing your own or favorite serializer. In this article...